A recent upgrade of BE forced out the old legacy unix agent that was a single binary and easy to script, making us use RALUS. Could have been worse. The manual install is a bit sketch, someone noted that alien could convert the rpm’s, so I started there. I found the rpms in tgz files under ‘pkgs/Linux’ and ‘RALUS64/pkgs/Linux’ for both architectures. I ran alien on an x86 and an x64 box to create a full set. The debs don’t have dependency information, but I just dealt with that with puppet because it was quicker. Ignore the errors about alien not creating postrm/postinst scripts, they’re no big deal.
RALUS wants the user that connects to have beoper as a secondary group. Also you need libstdc++5 installed. Here’s a self-documenting puppet recipe, in case there are more questions:
class ralus { realize User["beoper"] realize Group["beoper"] package { "vrtsvxmsa": ensure => installed, } package { "libstdc++5": ensure => installed, } package { "vrtsralus": ensure => installed, require => [ Package["vrtsvxmsa"], Package["libstdc++5"] ], } exec { "ralus-init": command => "/bin/cp /opt/VRTSralus/bin/VRTSralus.init /etc/init.d/ralus", require => Package["vrtsralus"], onlyif => "/usr/bin/test ! -x /etc/init.d/ralus", } service { "ralus": ensure => running, enable => true, require => [ Exec["ralus-init"], User["beoper"] ], } }