The power of Chef and Ruby

The argument that Chef is difficult to learn because recipes are written in Ruby is a fallacy.

package "vim"

cookbook_file "/home/btm/.vimrc" do
  source "dot-vimrc"
  owner "btm"
  group "btm"
  mode "0644"

With the exception of the do/end block, that doesn’t look like a programming language at all and is way easier to grok than some configuration file syntaxes I’ve used. Any tool’s configuration file syntax has a learning curve and refusing to learn a new one means you’re going to be stuck in the past using old tools. Someone may not want to try out nginx today because they already know how to configure Apache, and I understand that up to a point. The tool you know is sometimes easier to use in the less than ideal conditions because you already understand it. I can’t spend all of my time learning new tools anymore than the next person, but frankly if you are unwilling to learn something new, you are in the wrong industry. We are moving fast over here.

Even if you don’t know any Ruby, over time you start reusing other people’s code shortcuts because it is easier to write understandable and flexible code.

# Install useful troubleshooting tools that get regular use
%w{htop dstat strace sysstat gdb tmux tshark}.each do |tool_package|
  package tool_package

# Install the correct apache package depending on distribution
package "apache2" do
  case node[:platform]
  when "centos","redhat","fedora","suse"
    package_name "httpd"
  when "debian","ubuntu"
    package_name "apache2"
  action :install

Because Chef recipes are written in Ruby and they are compiled on the client rather than the server you can leverage Ruby in very powerful ways. When we want to create databases and grant privileges for a web application, we can use a number of Chef resources, primarily execute, to use existing tools such as mysqladmin. We can also leverage Ruby to access Ruby libraries. Ruby code in a Chef recipe is executed during convergence, but Ruby code in a ruby_block resource is executed along with other resources during compilation and can be notified like any other resource. You can get a better idea of when these steps happen from the Anatomy of a Chef Run page on the wiki. Here is some code I used recently that is quite a bit simpler to read and shorter than using resources to perform all of the steps.

    ruby_block "Create database + execute grants" do
      block do
        require 'rubygems'
        require 'mysql'

        m =, "root", mysql_root_password)
        if !m.list_dbs.include?(node[:jira][:database_name])
          # Create the database
 "Creating mysql database #{node[:jira][:database_name]}"
          m.query("CREATE DATABASE #{node[:jira][:database_name]} CHARACTER SET utf8")

          # Grant and flush permissions
 "Granting access to #{node[:jira][:database_name]} for #{node[:jira][:database_user]}"
          m.query("GRANT ALL ON #{node[:jira][:database_name]}.* TO '#{node[:jira][:database_user]}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '#{node[:jira][:database_password]}'")

Because Chef makes it easy to model data, you don’t need to write the above code. You can just use what I wrote and change your variable names. If you use it for more than one web_application, you could make it a cookbook definition or LWRP that you could extend as you need more features.

initialize_mysql_db "jiradb" do
  database_name node[:jira][:database_name]
  database_user node[:jira][:database_user]
  database_password node[:jira][:database_password]

5 thoughts on “The power of Chef and Ruby

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention The power of Chef and Ruby « btm.geek --

  2. Tom

    Pretty slick. It seems kind of like system center configuration manager. I know chef is mostly an automation framework. Does chef offer VM management tools.. and if so.. how many vms can it manage at once?

  3. Leif Madsen

    “The argument that Chef is difficult to learn because recipes are written in Ruby is a fallacy.”

    Totally agreed. I had never used Ruby before using Chef, and I was writing recipes within a few hours and automating all the things! Been pretty awesome so far, and really loving the way things are done in Chef. Intuitive to me at least 🙂

  4. Mathias Lafeldt

    “Ruby code in a Chef recipe is executed during convergence, but Ruby code in a ruby_block resource is executed along with other resources during compilation”

    It’s the other way around. Ruby code in the ruby_block resource is evaluated during convergence, while Ruby code outside of a ruby_block resource is evaluated at compile time. See

    Apart from that, I agree that Chef is not difficult to learn due to Ruby, at least as far as the language is concerned. I think the actual problem is that – in order to really master Chef – you have to learn much more than Chef and Ruby itself: RVM/rbenv, gem management (with Bundler), Vagrant, RSpec/minitest/Cucumber, Rake, and whatnot. (Of course, this is a problem of every Ruby application and not specific to Chef.)

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